Wednesday 14 September 2011

Sometimes the best things in life are simple

Another gem from Vimeo and this time it comes in the form of a 2D animation by Ryan J Woodward. Think a majestic sweeping romance full of dance and emotion set to music and you are almost there. The sheer simplicity of this piece belies the time and effort that must have gone into it, but results in a work of incredible beauty. With nearly 12000 likes on Vimeo and approaching 2 million viewings, the video is enjoyed by all who see it. I hope you do too.

Thought of You from Ryan J Woodward on Vimeo.

Ryan also did a cool doodle for Google commemorating Martha Graham's anniversary here. If you like what you see, check out Ryan's current project: an exhibition on figurative and experimental animation. There's a fascinating documentary on how he put together the 20,000+ drawings for 'Thought of You'.

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